Our Process


It starts with a diagnosis.

What is Autism?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a condition classified in the DSM by challenges and deficits with communication, behaviours, and social skills. These challenges can often lead to difficulties at home with routines, problems developing communication with others, and problems adjusting to school and new environments. According to the newest research from the United States CDC, 1 in 59 children are diagnoses with ASD, which is why early intervention and programming is so important. In line with therapy best practices and current clinical research, Missing Links is proud to offer full-time and part-time Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) based services for student 2+ to target these specific deficits!

What’s Next?

Navigating the world of therapy, school, and programming can be overwhelming - we are here to help. In an effort to provide information about programming, funding, and clinically proven best practices, we have outlined our process below!

  1. CONTACT US! You can reach us at 289-337-0555 or at info@missinglinks.ca

  2. Let us teach you about the Ontario’s Autism Program (OAP) that provides funding to families living in Ontario with a diagnosis of ASD. We can help you figure out how to get on the waiting list, how to access funds, and how to start programming at Missing Links.

  3. Learn about our programs! We will walk you through programs running at Missing Links that include a full time registered private school with concurrent ABA therapy programming, a fully immersive Half Day and Full Day ABA program, and essential skills programming that allows students to come for 1-10 hours a week to focus on key skills. We also offer tutoring and social groups for programming after school (3-5pm).

  4. Share some information about your experience. Go to the parent links section of our website and download our intake package. Fill it out completely so we can have our clinical team take a look prior to your intake. We also ask that you submit any relevant assessments or reports you might have (like from school or another therapy centre) . We collect this information, so we know what kind of programming would be the most beneficial for the student, this way we can streamline the process and access to services for you.

  5. Learn about Missing Links! Take a look at all our social links like facebook, Instagram and youtube to get a feel for the program, the building, and the experience.

  6. Book an intake. We will book an intake for the potential client so we can have them in the centre to meet them. Most intakes are two days, each for 1-2 hours, but we will be sure to pass along the details and dates once we review you intake package. As we have a closed-door policy, guardians will be asked to wait outside during this time. When the potential client is inside we introduce them to the program we feel will be the best fit and start interacting with materials, peers and teachers to get a good baseline assessment of skills. After the intake our team will follow up with an email that outlines our observations, program recommendations, potential start dates, and specific tuition rates/pricing.

  7. Decide and start date and sign the contract. The rest is straight forward. If you are interested in moving forward with our program proposal we can offer you a potential start date at Missing Links. All you will need to do is return the signed contract to secure your spot and we will take care of the rest!